44. 43. In these rules and attached forms, unless the context otherwise indicates- 'Act' shall mean the Supreme Court Act, 1959 (Act 59 of 1959); 'action' shall mean a proceeding commenced by summons or by writ in terms of rule 9; 'advocate' shall include a person referred to in section one of the Natal 22. 19. Appointment of judges of High Court ... Act 30, 1969, Act 43, 1969, Act 25, 1970, Act 28, 1972, Act 24, 1973, Act 28, 1978, ... in execution of the sentence or order of a court, whether established for Botswana or … The High Court . Interlocutory powers of Court. They are created by statute, the Magistrate’s Courts Act, as subordinate courts and are supervised by the High Court, through various powers. 18. Reference for report on questions arising in a cause. 4: THE SUPREME COURT JUDGES (TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE) RULES … The Act also provides for the appointment of the Director of Tribal Administration and deputies for the purposes of this Act. 95. Jurisdiction and composition 96. ... Amendment Rules, 2011 and the High Court Judges (Travelling Allowance) Amendment Rules, 2011. Nature of the courts and force and effect of process Supplement C — Botswana Government Extraordinary Gazette dated 4th March, 2011 C.331 Statutory Instrument No. The superior court in Botswana is the Court of Appeal, followed by the High Court, which stands superior to the Magistrates’ Court. This Act concerns the establishment, recognition, functioning and jurisdiction of Customary Courts and related matters. 68. The effect of the new High Court Rules is that litigation has become significantly more expensive in Botswana at the start of the matter by virtue of the fact that a large portion of the preparation is done at or about the time that Summons is issued or the Declaration is to be served. Interim awards. 04:04) RULES OF THE MAGISTRATES’ COURTS (Published on 4th March, 2011) ARRANGEMENT OF ORDERS ORDER PART I – CIVIL PROCEDURE RULES 1. Citation, Application and Interpretation 2. Remission of case by Court. are deemed to form part of the Senior Courts Act 2016 under section 147 of that Act; but (b) are published as the High Court Rules 2016 , as if they were a legislative instrument within the meaning of the Legislation Act 2012 , under section 154 of the Senior Courts Act 2016 . Procedure when place of arbitration not provided for in submission . This paper takes a snapshot or panoramic view of the Ghanaian High Court Civil Procedure Rules CI 47 This Act may be cited as the Land Tribunal Act, 2014, and "Registrar" means the Registrar of the High Court. The Act and Rules governing the service conditions of High Court Judges (As modified upto 5th April, 2016). 20. Rules of Court. An Act to establish a Land Tribunal and to provide for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith. 4. Rules of Court. 13 of 2011 MAGISTRATES’ COURTS ACT (Cap. S.30 of the Magistrate’s Court Act lists matters that Magistrate’s Courts have no power to hear. PART II Establishment and Nature of Courts (ss 3-7) 3. Magistrate’s Courts hear the bulk of criminal cases such as rape, robbery, theft, assault, etc. The Chief Justice may make rules of court for all or any of the following purposes:-(a) for regulating the practice and procedure of magistrates' courts in matters not specifically provided for in this or any other Act; (b) for regulating the forms to be used and all matters connected therewith; Enforcement of award. Date of Assent: 23.01.14 Date of Commencement: ON NOTICE ENACTED by the Parliament of Botswana. Time for making award. PART III References under Order of Court . 17. PART I - Preliminary 1. Establishment of courts There shall be courts subordinate to the High Court to be known as magistrates' courts presided over by magistrates appointed for the purposes of this Act. Download . 23. 21.